Saturday, December 25, 2010

JAX-WS implementation in JBOSS:

  1. created a dynamic project in eclipse HelloWorld


  2. created our service class(my package is ws.simple)


  1. Edited the web.xml as follows:

Added the entries below:














  1. Exported as war file in jboss








    Location for the wsdl file is :



    The wsdl file is as follows:






  2. Now, we consume this web service by creating client using utilities provided by JBossWS stack ( Examples include wsconsume, wsget, wsrunclient etc )




    C:\Users\jboss\jb\4.3.0\bin>wsconsume.bat -k http://localhost:7001/HelloWorld/se




    Files are generated in the below location:





  3. I have created a Sample Client Project and put these generated files in ws.simple



  4. Created Client Class


    package ws.simple;


    public class TestWSClient


    public static void main(String[] args)


    HelloServiceService service =new HelloServiceService();

    HelloService helloServ=service.getHelloServicePort();

    String msg=helloServ.sayHello("Amit Das! Merry Christmas");





    Running as java application generates as:

Hello, Amit Das! Merry Christmas